Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tasting - "SAVED Rosé"

Name: SAVED Rosé
Variety: Cabernet Franc 53%, Sangiovese 20%, Zinfandel 12%, Chardonnay 8%, Grenache 3%, Malvasia Bianca 2%, Malbec 2%
Region: Napa Valley, CA
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Price: $15.00

Winery Review: "SAVED Rosé is a pink wine for tough guys and gals. This delicate and ultra dry Rosé is crafted from a unique blend of varietals, carefully blended into one tiny batch of a few hundred cases."

My Review: This Rosé is crazy hot! And I don't mean in a good way...The alcohol content is 13.4% and it burns all the way down your throat. The nose was surprisingly "red" with a lot of dirty/soil aromas and a hint of flowers. The taste, from what I could get other than heat and acid, was floral and had a long finish, although not a pleasant one...It seems to me this wine was overworked and striving for high alcohol content, but it's very unbalanced and not at all smooth.

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